Today we’re joined by Jeremy Fisher, one of the co-founders of Vocal Process, one of the most impressive and useful websites for learning how to develop your singing voice and sing better. Through blog posts, live in-person training, online webinars, books and even an app, Vocal Process covers all the most in-demand topics for singers, ranging from how to get started and sing in tune, through extending your vocal range, through developing your singing style and even passing auditions.

Jeremy himself has had a fascinating career and one thing that made me particularly keen to have him on the show was that he was an instrumentalist first and foremost, and we think that’s given him a particular perspective on the musicality of singing that’s distinctive. The other component of that is definitely his focus on the science and analytical approach to how the human voice works and how to improve your singing.

There was a lot that we wanted to quiz Jeremy on and we had to hold ourselves back a bit so as not to produce an epic 5-hour podcast – but we still crammed a ton of interesting stuff in!

In this conversation we talk about:

  • How his brain works as an expert sight-reader, and the process of learning to do the same thing yourself
  • The “Trombone exercise” that can help you learn to sing the right notes and land on them in tune.
  • And why wanting to help singers led to Jeremy discovering a love of having a camera stuck up his nose.

This is one of those episodes that packs a whole bunch of different subjects and a ton of expertise into a short conversation, so whether you’re an instrumentalist, a singer, or a bit of both, you’re going to take at least one – and probably several – really useful ideas or insights from this.

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Learn how you can develop your voice and improve your singing with Jeremy Fisher of acclaimed vocal education website Vocal Process.
