About Improvisation-Improvisation is one of the most useful and sought-after skills a musician can add to their arsenal - get acquainted in this podcast episode!
How to “Just Play”, with Nick Mainella-Learn about improvisation from a pro! Musical U interviews Nick Mainella, jazz musician and creator of the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast.
About Improvising Rhythm-Melody often gets all the attention in the world of improvisation, but rhythm is equally important! Learn about how to start improvising with rhythm.
How to Improvise For Real, with David Reed-Improvise For Real's David Reed details his own musical beginnings, the limitations of traditional music education, and how to improvise - the right way.
About Improvising with Scales and Chords-Break free of scale-based improvisation with our harmony and chord tone-based approach to creating unforgettable licks on the fly!
Tell Your Own Story, with David Wallimann-Composer, recording artist, and guitar educator David Wallimann shares his unique perspective on improvisation, and how to find your own musical voice.
About Learning to Improvise-This episode gives an overview on how you can use everything you've learned during this month's episodes to get started in learning improv.