
Tone Deafness

Learn the truth about being “tone deaf” and find out for sure whether you are or not.

After completing this module: you will understand what “tone deafness” really is and know for sure whether or not you are tone deaf!

Module Preview

Many people who are excited about music worry that they might be “tone deaf”. In fact, 97% of people aren’t – they just haven’t learned yet what tone deafness truly is and how you can overcome worries about pitch and singing in tune.

In this module you’ll get the real truth about tone deafness and be able to take a simple interactive test to check whether or not you are tone deaf.

Member Success

“Passed the the Tone Deafness Module and thanks to that, that i am already working on intervals, it greatly helped me to succeed with this module.”
“I am so happy I am not tone deaf!”
Not tone deaf! I wasn’t worried that I was, but somehow the results are still a relief.
“My result improved my confidence in my ability to recognize pitch.”

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